Monday, June 29, 2009


Well, hello there. It's been a little while since I've posted anything. After a few months of strange weather, things have normalized somewhat. I am also in the thick of my externship at school, working at Tabla in NYC. I'm not certain writing about Tabla while I'm there is such a hot idea; not that I have anything bad to say, but I don't like the notion of my employers potentially--if improbably--reading the blog. But I am preparing a new set of entries. See you soon.


Linn Elliott said...

Just yesterday, I was thinking "Wonder how that '19 Months' guy is doing." *cue eerie music*

Thanks for the update, and completely understandable about not blogging about your current employer. I bet you have qualms about Tweeting a first date, too...

MS and SS said...

can't wait for the next installment

Anonymous said...

Ah, but our fine friend apparently has no qualms blogging about a first date. See "Why I'm here, Pt. 1."

JaimeK said...

Wheewwww heeewwwww! Finally! Cannot wait.
